Just when you thought ‘Back to the Future’ was in the past, 5,555 Jadu NFT hoverboards have been unveiled. The items will be available from 12th December, priced at 0.222 ETH. Buyers can expect their new toys to be airdropped for free.
It’s important to note that the hoverboards will not actually be usable IRL. They will, however, be ready to fly in The Mirrorverse. This is Jadu’s huge AR game project, involving a ‘world scale’ environment, in which players must explore real-world locations, uncover and collect NFT items.
Suffice to say, that job will be a lot faster with rockets under your feet. Celebrities including Snoop Dogg, Lewis Hamilton, and Grimes are listed as collaborators on the design front, giving some idea as to how varied the look of the boards is. Visual artist Mimi Onuoha and NFT curator Trippy are also involved.
This isn’t the first time Jadu has presented the crypto community with high-tech NFT gadgets. A previous sale of 1,111 jetpacks — also made for AR play — sold out in just 20 seconds. These items have since earned a cult following in the nascent NFT gaming scene. The most expensive sold for more than $400,000, and overall trading volumes are approaching $9million.
Jadu NFT Hoverboards Compatability
At the time of writing, the developer is claiming its boards will be compatible with more than 40,000 avatars at launch. Collections like LarvaLabs’ Meetbits, FLUFs, and CyberKongz are among those specifically named.
“When people think of AR they often think of Snapchat and Instagram filters. Similarly, NFTs have a reputation of being overpriced JPEGs. It’s important for us to show that AR is a delightful new way for us to engage with our space and planet,” said Asad J. Malik, CEO of Jadu. “Meanwhile, NFTs can serve as a new way to build incentive systems for communities that allow monetary value generated by gaming platforms to be shared with their players.”
One of the most appealing things about NFT gaming is cross-compatibility. For example, Cryptovoxels is currently working on allowing all avatars from any NFT collectibles series inside its metaverse. Want to know more about the metaverse? Revisit our Beginners Guide to why you should care about the fact we are rapidly creating multiple alternate realities.
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